A downloadable game

A game for the Sinclair ZX81, which will run in 1K of memory

Get from the top to the bottom, using only the controls: 

Z - left 

M -right

N - down

B - drop bomb  


falkens1k.p 929 bytes
falkens1k.wav 525 kB

Install instructions

If you have a real Sinclair ZX81, you can run in unexpanded 1K or 16K of memory. Download the file falkens1k.p if you have a tzxduino or similar way to load .p files. 


download the falkens1k.wav file and play that audio file into the zx81 as you would normally load a tape (LOAD "", then press play)


If you have an emulator installed on your PC or Mac such EightyOne 

(https://sourceforge.net/projects/eightyone-sinclair-emulator/) then download the falkens1k.p and open in the emulator.

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