A downloadable game

You find yourself dropped into an endless series of random mazes. As you move around you can collect dollars, and you also leave bread crums to see where you've been. The only way to progress is to collect dollars, and when you get at least 10 per screen the door opens to the the next. Beware - the maze is guarded by a mindless enemy - if they eat any of your bread crums then your score decreases by one each time. It is possible to "run" past the enemy and sometimes get the better of them. 


maze1.p 4 kB

Install instructions

1) Download the maze1.p 

2) Install a zx81 emulator such as EightyOne https://sourceforge.net/projects/eightyone-sinclair-emulator/

3) Set the memory size to 16k

4) Open the .p file in the emulator and play

5) The keys are q up, a down, o left, p right

If you want it possible to convert the maze1.p file to an audio file(google it) so you can load into a real zx81, or if you have a ZXpand you can just drop it on the sd card.

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